Create a new project

You can create a new project (saved as an .nvp file) on your computer or a network drive. If you are an NVivo Collaboration Server user with appropriate permissions you can create a new NVivo Collaboration Server project.

Create a new project

  1. Click New Project on the Welcome screen or if a project is open, File , then New.
  2. Enter a project name in the Project title field (names cannot include the following characters: \ : / * ? " < > | ).
    The project's default file name and path is displayed in the File name field—click Browse to change the file name or save the project in a different location (see note below).
  3. Optionally enter a project description.
  4. Select Keep a log of user actions if you want to keep a log of every action carried out in the project (accessed from File/Info).
  5. Select a text content language.
    This is the language that the data files in the project (or most of them) will be in. It selects the correct dictionaries and other resources for textual analysis (e.g.text search) on your data.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Optionally change project saving options.
    1. Autosaving saves the project automatically after every action—you never need to save manually. However, with this option the Undo function is disabled. (You can change this setting later from File > Info > Project Properties on the Save and Recovery tab.)
    2. If you choose to save manually (i.e. autosaving is No), then you enable save reminders every so many minutes.
  8. Optionally change project recovery options.
    As additional security against data loss, NVivo allows you to create project recovery files. These are created automatically, but triggered by a normal save. You can select to create recovery files never, every 30 minutes, every hour or every 4 hours. At the 30-minute setting, for example, a new project recovery file is created the first time a manual or automatic save occurs 30 minutes after the last recovery file was created.
    You can select to save up to three recovery files—when a new file is created the oldest one is deleted.
  9. Click Create Project to create and open the project.

NOTE  If you save project files on a network drive, copies are made on your local computer when you open NVivo, and all your changes are saved locally until you close the application. The network copy is then updated.

TIP  You can save a copy of a project using File > Copy Project option, for more information, see Save a copy of your project.

Create a new NVivo Collaboration Server project

To create an NVivo Collaboration Server project you need appropriate user permissions and a NVivo Collaboration Server connection. See Collaboration Server

  1. Click New Project on the Welcome screen or if a project is open, File , then New.
  2. Enter a project name in the Project title field (names cannot include the following characters: \ : / * ? " < > | ).
  3. Click Browse.
  4. In the New Project File dialog box, in Save as type:, select NVivo Collaboration Server Projects.
  5. Select the server to use in the Connection name field.
  6. Optionally change the project file name—by default it's the same as the project title.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Back in the New Project dialog box, optionally enter a project description.
  9. Select Keep a log of user actions if you want to keep a log of every action carried out in the project (accessed from File/Info).
  10. Select a text content language.
    This is the language that the data files in the project (or most of them) will be in. It selects the correct dictionaries and other resources for textual analysis (e.g.text search) on your data.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Optionally change project saving options.
    1. Autosaving saves the project automatically after every action—you never need to save manually. However, with this option the Undo function is disabled.
    2. If you choose to save manually (i.e. autosaving is No), then you can enable save reminders every so many minutes.
  13. Optionally change project recovery options.
    As additional security against data loss, NVivo allows you to create project recovery files. These are created automatically, but triggered by a normal save. You can select to create recovery files never, every 30 minutes, every hour or every 4 hours. At the 30-minute setting, for example, a new project recovery file is created the first time a manual or automatic save occurs 30 minutes after the last recovery file was created.
    You can select to save up to three recovery files—when a new file is created the oldest one is deleted.
  14. Click Create Project to create and open the project.


  • The Connection name box is empty if you have not set up any NVivo Collaboration Server connections—click the Add button to create a new connection using the Connection Properties dialog box.
  • If you receive a message indicating that you do not have permission to create a project on NVivo Collaboration Server, verify with your NVivo Collaboration Server administrator that you are in a user group that has permission to create new projects.
  • When you create a new NVivo Collaboration Server project, you are automatically added to the Project Owners project user group and your project user profile is created.
  • By default, 'guest access' is disabled in the new project—only members of the Readers, Contributors or Project Owners project user groups can access the project.