Export query results

You can export query results in the Detail View to share with colleagues or use in other applications. Export options vary depending on the type of query. For example, you can export:

  • Crosstab query results as a spreadsheet (.csv).
  • Hierarchy charts or word clouds as an image file such as JPEG or PNG.
  • Word frequency query summaries as a list in a variety of formats.

To export query results:

  1. Click in the results in the Detail View, to give them the focus.
  2. On the Share tab, in the Export menu, select Export Items.
  3. Where available, select a format for the exported file.

For crosstab and matrix coding queries, you can also click the share icon An icon representing share with an arrow pointing up at the top of the Detail View to export, print or share the results.

Keyboard Shortcut To export an item, press ⌘ + SHIFT + E.