
Annotations let you record comments about selected content in data files (documents and PDFs) externals, codes and memos.

Annotated content is highlighted in blue and annotation text displayed in a popup window when you hover over the text.

Annotation displayed in a pop-up.

1 Annotated content is highlighted in blue (or another color if the text is also coded and highlighting is turned on).

2 Click on the highlighted text to view the annotation in a popup.

3 Click Speech bubble representing show annotations in the Detail View toolbar to display a list of all annotations in a file. Click on an annotation in the list to navigate to the annotated content.

If you code content that contains an annotation the annotation remains with the content in the code.

Add an annotation

  1. In a file opened in the Detail View, select the content you want to annotate.
  2. In the context menu, select New Annotation (or keyboard shortcut Shift+⌘+A).
    If your Mac has a Touch Bar you can use the Annotate button.
  3. Type your annotation in the popup that opens. Click outside the popup or press ⌘+Enter to close the popup.

To see all the annotations in your project, in the Navigation View click Notes then Annotations.